Padero Solaer signs O&M deal with Green Power Partners

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Padero Solaer (PS Renewables), a joint venture between Padero Solar Limited (UK) and Solaer (Spain), announced it has successfully concluded five new Operations & Maintenance contracts with Green Power Partners (GPP).

This sees its O&M business with GPP exceed 55 MW, taking the UK company close to 300 MW in the UK alone.

PS Renewables will manage these new sites on a full turnkey service, with all work managed in-house, ensuring GPP obtains the same level of expert service as for sites that were built by PS Renewables as EPC.

Matt Hazell, commercial director, PS Renewables, said, “PS Renewables embraces the full life-cycle for solar farms, and enjoys the responsibility of stewardship. We’re delivering great value for GPP both through reduced administration and by offering a global price structure for their portfolio.”

The five solar farms are located in the South and North East of the UK, locations that PS Renewables knows well.

PS Renewables now manages over 2200 acres of solar farm land, mainly managed for biodiversity and grazed by sheep, with almost 1 million solar panels with a generating capacity of almost 300 MW.

Rajani Baburajan

[email protected]

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